WIPO Analytics Workshop Instructions

WIPO workshops in patent analytics involve hands on exercises that require that participants sign up for accounts and install software on their computers. In cases where a workshop is hosted by an organisation a computer laboratory is often used and technicians are invited to assist with ensuring that machines contain the required software. Please follow these instructions carefully.

Accounts to sign up for

Please ensure that you sign up for the following accounts before the workshop. Please follow the information below closely.

  1. Sign up for a Tableau Public Account (free) and download the Tableau Public software for your system. https://public.tableau.com/s/

Make a note of your username and password and keep it somewhere accessible as you will need it during the sessions.

  1. Sign up for Github account

Sign up for a free Github account from https://github.com and download Github Desktop for your operating system.

Sign in to Github Desktop when downloaded.

  1. Sign up for an info.gram account (for infographics)

Sign up here: https://infogr.am

  1. Sign up for an account with the Lens at: https://www.lens.org/

Make a note of your username and password.

Software to Install

The following software and packages (RStudio) need to be installed.

  1. Tableau Public

Create an account on https://public.tableau.com/s/ and download the software. Note that it is Tableau Public (which is free) that needs to be downloaded. If you download Tableau Desktop that is OK but it will expire after 14 days.

  1. Gephi 0.9.7 Go to https://gephi.org/users/download/ and choose your operating system.

Very Important. Check that Gephi will open and that it displays a welcome screen with example files. Click on one of those and it should display a network diagram.

When Gephi is open we need to install some plugins.

Go to:

Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins In Available Plugins tick the box next to: Convert Excel and csv Files to Networks

Then choose install and just keep clicking OK and Continue until you are asked to reboot Gephi.

  1. Install Open Refine (Google Refine)

Download and install Open Refine for your system from here:


Choose the latest version

Open Refine/Google Refine works with the Chrome browser (and will not work with Internet Explorer). Please ensure that Chrome is installed and set as the pre-defined web browser, so that Open Refine will open (show a start screen)

  1. RStudio

We need to install R and then the user interface RStudio (we must have both).

Step 1. Install the version of R for your system (called base) The link to download R is here https://cran.rstudio.com/ Choose Run and follow the instructions.

Step 2. Download the free RStudio Desktop for your system from https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/

  1. Install Packages in RStudio

The packages should be installed in the same root directory as the core packages (those that are automatically installed). This can be a problem on network machines so please ensure that the following packages will load (tick next to the package in the packages tab)

To install the packages:

install.packages(“tidyverse”) install.packages(“rmarkdown”) install.packages(“tidytext”)


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at https://github.com/wipo-analytics, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".