
Access presentations used in WIPO Patent Analytics Training. Presentations are organised in the order of sessions. Please see the software instructions if you are organising or participating in a session.


  1. WIPOs work with patent analytics

  2. Free and Open Source Patent Analytics Tools

  3. The Patent Analytics Workflow

  4. Obtaining patent data from patent scope

  5. Obtaining patent data from the Lens

  6. Patent Data Fields

  7. Cleaning Patent Data with Open Refine

  8. Cleaning Patent data with VantagePoint

A series of videos are avaible on Vimeo for step by step work with VantagePoint using the drones dataset.

  1. Visualising Data with Tableau Public

  2. Visualising Networks with Gephi. Please ensure that Gephi is installed for this practical session and follow these instructions in case of problems on Windows.

  3. Visualizing Data with Infographics

Other Presentations


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


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